Tip of The Day

Put an empty small plate in boiling milk to keep in pan. That will take extra heat and don't let milk to drain outside.
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Wednesday, June 3, 2009


If you find the ingredient and procedure of backing a cake too tedious and would prefer something more instant, than you should try out this biscuit pudding, simple to make and delicious to consume. Pudding is very famous recipe all around the world.


Milk-1/2 liter
Biscuit- 5
Sugar- ¼ KG.

Take a round mould spread on it 4 teaspoon of sugar and keep on flame till the sugar turns golden brown. Soak the biscuit in a cup of milk. Mix egg, milk, sugar and the soaked biscuit and pure the mixture in to the mould. Cover the mould and stream in a cooker. When the pudding is cooked cools it and turns it out of the mould on to a plate.your sweet dish is ready.

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